Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Thinking about: Vube.com

First at all.. Vube.com is a video-container that wants to be a competitor to youtube and recently started a ads campain on some websites... it pops the shit right in front of u in a new window! Thats anoying. on almost every crappy website i go it opens a new window and hear me sayin " this must be vube "
It's not that bad, to be a competitor with YouTube, requires a legit web design and something to offer to visitors. Money has that power, and so shall it be.

Can it become something big and inovative?

Comparing to main thing on internet YouTube, hardly.. but it has some features that are interesting and has Motivational purpose. They reward you for being active and likable person on internet. You  collect money. Diference here is that you dont need a Adsense account to make benefit out of it, you just need likes. most likes gets a price.. monthly.

 Pros: It gives you a reward for most liked video of the month from 50$ to 10.ooo$ for a first place. Also it popularizes your video content (what ever u make). 

You can see their ads apearing everytime on the header of the website *exept mob version., but they will fix that i suppose.

look how it tames you, look quick

How did he become so sucessful?

list of websites that had popup ads to vube
I think you know the answer. Same thing that hooked you. PopUp ads on many visited websites.
And is it growing? Hell yea!
according to alexa site

Views of bots? That is the question

You probably noticed, if you freqvent visitor of this website, that almost every video has 500 views arvage.
I've seen videos that are reaching about 1.ooo to 100.000 views and videos are barely 4 months old. Some of these are just handmade boring videos, some are PRO made video spots for their songs. But barely some like on those videos. Tipicly, you will get some likes on 300000 views, at least 3000 .. IMPOSIBLE that no one likes them!
Reasons for all of these could be that:

  1. they can show how visited your website is
  2. so they can motivate "autors" to create and upload more videos on their host ( and now that they are popular with all these 300.000 views ) have motivation to make more and more.
  3. Autors will send links to their friends just to like them, to win the CONEST.
  4. Attract more visitors and interests to website, becouse HOW TO MAKE MONEY banner is standing right on the top of header. They tame you. 
Bots cant like your videos, its YOUR JOB to make that possible. Twitter, Facebook, MSN all kind of these siiits can boost your likes on videos.

Pros: You may become like one of those trends on YouTube like: NigaHiga, Tay Zonday, Afro Ninja.. become a vloger on Vube. If you didnt succseded on YouTube here you might be.
Cons: You have to do alot. Must involve your friends or something like that, who will like your videos, then they will spread across social networks.

Did Vube.com helped someone to become famous?

Actualy yes. There is a street working group from Serbia called SBARTANS that was on every POP UP ads on almost every site i entered. Starts like " SPARTANS, Prepare for Glory" and then I, oh damn, here we go again. They have amasing 10.000.000 views on that video, and they were guests on Serbian Galileo show ( Galileo is actualy a German show ), on " PRVA " Tv. I was stunned!

Also can read:

Can vlogers survive on Vube?

Goto: Vube 

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